Attending an event this summer? This blazer has been designed for the warm temperatures, it's lightweight basket weave and buggy lined keeps it off the skin and lets the breeze though. Constructed of a Wool/Linen blend cloth woven in Portugal in a soft green and cream tone.
A good size range available. Please enquire here with sizing.
Soft brown Glen Donegal Blazer. (lighter weight donegal subtle check) A lighter weight 100% wool from the Italian mill Marzotto. The signature donegal spots feature a blend of taupe, biscuit...
A stylish denim-shade of navy with a large scale glen check, and a lawn green overcheck! This striking fabric, cut and crafted into Dom Bagnato's signature fit and finesse, make...
A favourite of the many great new tailored pieces that have arrived for the new season. This suit is stealing attention on the rack. 100% wool, the check is not...
The table below sets out garment sizes that correspond to each other and regularly fit together. Eg. A size Medium guy typically fits a 39 or 40 cm neck dress shirt, a 96 or 100 cm chest jkt, an 88cm dress/casual pant, and this will correspond to good brand jeans as 33 inch (there are a few dodgy sized 32” sold elsewhere these days confusing the issue!)
Medium can be the hardest area to define as guys can be on the smaller or bigger side of this. Buying dress shirts; collars and neck sizes are absolute, but brands can vary in roominess, length etc. Please enquire, we stock a variety of brands and styles to cover shape and taste below the neck!
Our top sizes are considered to be good fair standard sizes and a Medium guy fits our medium casual shirts, tees and jackets generally without issue.
Our trouser sizes are true to measurements. Due to our extensive involvement in tailored wear where centimetres matter, we are not generous with our waists. Ease is added to allow for pants sitting low but neat. The table is a good guide to what is likely to work on a guy whose frame is fairly in proportion.
Please measure a belt you are currently using, this will give you the best indication of the correct size you require.
Measure from the beginning of the buckle to the strong indentation line between the holes. That is the measurement to ascertain what is the best belt size for you. I.e. this belt measures 77cm, so you would need the 76-83 belt.